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Serving the community since 2001!

Nectar For the Gods Demeter’s Destiny


Many production problems originate with too much nitrogen and potassium and not enough available calcium and phosphate. Calcium is the “queen-king” of all nutrients, aiding enzymatic action, feeding soil microbes, improving nutrient availability and cell wall integrity, encouraging solid stem growth (vs. hollow in a calcium-deficient situation) and preventing stem breakage. Calcium promotes smooth, sweet, aromatic produce, and generally leads to healthier, more vigorous growth.
Demeter’s Destiny is Nectar for the Gods’ answer to correcting and preventing deficiencies. This special blend offers microbes and root systems balanced forms of calcium, which help to carry all nutrients into the plant except for nitrogen and potassium, including magnesium.
Most fertilizers deliver nutrients via a nitrate. Calcium delivery means nutrients are more accessible to your plant and less likely to be locked out.Demeter’s Destiny is Nectar for the Gods’ answer to correcting and preventing deficiencies. This special blend offers microbes and root systems balanced forms of calcium, which help to carry all nutrients into the plant except for nitrogen and potassium, including magnesium. Most fertilizers deliver nutrients via a nitrate. Calcium delivery means nutrients are more accessible to your plant, and less likely to be locked out.

Tip: In the greenhouse and four season gardening industries we find that plant deficiencies are often mis-diagnosed through blanket images and descriptions in trade magazines and literature. We see that the cause of the deficiencies usually stems from an over use of salt based nutrients or the natural decomposition of organic medias such as coir fiber, peat moss or a compost source. We recommend to our gardeners that before you attempt to correct the deficiency do a thorough flush with Herculean Harvest and give your plant a day or two to respond. If leaf curl or leaf twist with a minor tip browning are still occurring then increase the dosage of Demeterʼs Destiny for multiple feedings or until the problem is resolved.

Oregon’s Only Organics understands that Nectar For the Gods is not for everyone. It takes a gardener with the special passion and desire to produce the highest quality fruits and vegetables to use this line of nutrients. Nectar For the Gods will never claim the highest yielding plants, the tallest plants etc. etc. But we can tell you that the flavors and the colors and the overall quality will be noticeably better. So if you’re ready to break off from the average gardeners mentality, and you want to impress your friends with your mad gardening skills, give Nectar For the Gods a shot.

Available in: Quart | Gallon | 2.5 Gallon | 5 Gallon


Shake well before use.

Soil Drench: Mix 1 tsp per gallon of water, adjust pH to 6.4 and apply every time you feed.

The 5 Gallon is for special order only and may take up to 2 weeks to be fulfilled. If you are interested in a larger quantity, feel free to contact us at (585)475-0015.