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Lallemand BRY-97 American West Coast Beer Yeast 11g

BRY-97™ is an American West Coast-style ale yeast that was selected from the Siebel Institute Culture Collection for its ability to produce clean fermentations for high quality ales. BRY-97™ is a neutral and highly attenuating strain with a high flocculation ability that can be used to make a wide variety of American-style beers. Through expression of a β-glucosidase enzyme, BRY-97™ can promote hop biotransformation and accentuate hop flavor and aroma. Traditional ales made with BRY-97™ include but are certainly not limited to American Pale Ale, American Amber, American Brown, American IPA, Imperial IPA, American Stout, Cream Ale, American Wheat, Scotch Ale, Russian Imperial Stout, Roggen/Rye, Old Ale and American Barleywine.
BRY-97 American West Coast Beer Yeast - Danstar

BRY-97 American West Coast Yeast was selected from the Siebel Institute Culture Collection and is used by a number of commercial breweries to produce different types of ale. The propagation and drying process have been specifically designed to deliver high quality beer yeast that can be used simply and with reliability to help produce ales of the finest quality. No colours, preservatives or other unnatural substances have been used in its preparation. The yeast is produced in ISO 9002 certified plants.

Microbiological Properties:
• Classified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae
• A top fermenting yeast.
• The active dried strain has a typical analysis: Percent solids 93 – 95 % Living yeast cells ≥ 5 x 109 per gram of dry yeast Wild yeast < 1 per 106 yeast cells* (Lysine method) Bacteria < 1 per 106 yeast cells*
• Finished products are only released to the market after passing a rigorous series of tests. *according to ASBC and EBC methods of analysis

Brewing Properties:
• Quick start and vigorous fermentation, which can be completed in 4 days above 17 °C.
• Medium to high attenuation,
• Fermentation rate, fermentation time and degree of attenuation are dependent upon inoculation density, yeast handling, fermentation temperature and the nutritional quality of the wort.
• BRY-97 American West Coast Yeast is a flocculent strain. Settling can be promoted by cooling and use of fining agents and isinglass.
• The aroma is slightly estery, almost neutral and does not display malodours when properly handled. It may tend, because of flocculation, to slightly reduce hop bitter levels
• Best when used at traditional ale temperatures after re-hydration in the recommended manner.

Available Individually or in packs of 3 | 5 | 10