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Hortilux HPS


Extend the growing season to 365 days a year with Eye HortiluxTM grow lamps. Choose Eye Hortilux lamps to raise your lighting system to a new level of performance, optimizing spectral energy levels that promote vigorous plant growth.

Hortilux Super HPS Enhanced Spectrum grow lamps fine-tune your lighting system to provide optimum spectral energy levels that promote vigorous plant growth. The Eye Super HPS EN Grow Lamps provide 17% more total energy and 25% more energy in the violet, blue, and green spectrum than standard high pressure sodium lamps. These lamps are environmentally friendly and pass EPA TCLP test criteria as non-hazardous waste.

EN lamps are completely lead-free and contain less mercury than standard HPS lamps. The environmentally friendly lamps (EN) can usually be disposed of without being recycled; however, please check your state laws first, which may be more strict than federal law. For information on how to recycle your lamp, visit www.lamprecycle.org.

Hortilux HPS

Hortilux™ Super HPS HORTILUX™ SUPER HPS (Available wattages: 250w, 400w, 430w, 600w, 1000w) The most productive High Pressure Sodium grow lights in the industry. E-Ballast compatible Provides 25% more energy than competitive brands in Violet, Blue and Green Provides 17% more total spectral energy than the competition Provides more spectral balance for increased plant response and accelerated growth QUALITY Made in the USA Exclusive HORTILUX™ Spectrum We test every grow lamp before it is shipped

1 year warranty

ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY Patented Environmentally friendly design (EN) means our lamps are lead free Meets Federal EPA, TCLP test criteria as non-hazardous waste.

Available in 250Watt, 400Watt, 430Watt, 600Watt, 1000Watt